An essay ending proves a blend of the crucial points of your paper. It also constitutes an overview of your theme. The number of paragraphs in the conclusion part of your paper depends on the subject matter. Most write-ups require one powerful paragraph. Others, though, might need you to write two-to-three sections.

An essay conclusion that proves well-written allows the writer to illustrate their general understanding of your paper’s study problem to their audience. It will include some of the following features.

Feature of an Excellent Research Paper’s Conclusion

  • Introduced a new point of view. At this point, you are not to introduce new information about your research. Instead, you have the chance to give a fresh and insightful creative approach to your paper centered on your work.
  • The final word. The conclusion allows the writer to leave the reader with a long-lasting impression. You can do this by highlighting the vital facts of your analysis and findings.
  • Demonstrate the value of your arguments. Take the time to expound on the implications and weight of your outcomes.
  • Recap your point of view. Briefly place your findings within the framework of past research done on your scope of the study.

The Writing and Structure Style

Three main things to consider when writing your conclusion.

  • The general rules

You must state your deductions in simple language. Point out prospects for future study if you have already pointed this out. Do not repeat what your findings prove. Offer a new and exciting point of view.

Simplify your argument to your readers if it proves intricate. Draw the reader back to the general theme of your paper, as provided by your intro.

  • Develop a captivating ending

Make your ending exciting instead of summarizing the vital facts of your research paper. You may restate a crucial fact or statistic that will drive the point home. You may recommend an appropriate course of action in case your essay proves one about solving an existing problem. If your paper began with an anecdote, it would prove interesting to refer back to it at this point. Use the results of your results to reframe the short tale or quotation used in your intro.

  • Problems to circumvent

Avoid an ambiguous summary. You need to keep your summary of your theme brief and precise. It should consist of a few sentences. In that way, you establish how your study fits into your scope with ease.

Make sure you do not fail to match your objectives for your study. At times, your goals will change along the way. When that happens, ensure you make changes to your intro to include these new insights.

The unfavorable outcomes of your study prove a vital part of your research. Ensure you do not ignore them or leave them out of your study paper. Account for both your positive and negative outcomes in the assessment section of your essay. The two prove equally paramount to your study paper.

Do not apologize for your findings. Trust your instincts and the fact that you have accomplished your best. Ensure you research widely and countercheck your information.


Your conclusion may contain details on the discipline of study or the paper’s dominant problem. Avoid speculating and guessing what the possible results will entail. Ensure your ending proves as logical as possible. Keep your conclusion short if possible, avoid including unnecessary information.

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